Three Types of Law Firm Marketing Emails

 Three Types of Law Firm Marketing Emails

In today’s ever-changing world, marketing for law firms has become a very specialized field. While a few years ago most law firms used direct mail, bulk e-mailing, and newspaper ads to increase their market share, the market is now flooded with marketing opportunities. These days it is wise to look at marketing to target the niche audience that would be most interested in your services or the type of law you practice. Below are three types of law firm marketing that you may use to expand your business.

Digital Marketing (DMM) – Digital marketing consists of using electronic means such as email, instant message, and web browsing as well as traditional print advertising to reach potential clients. When you use digital marketing, it is important to first develop a specific list of clients to whom you want to send the ads. If you send ads to law firm clients that do not have any legal needs, you will only be wasting your money. DMM allows you to determine what types of clients are most likely to be interested in your area of practice before you develop your advertising efforts.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) – Social media is a broad term that includes any sites that allow users to create a profile and share content with others. Social media sites include MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Some types of law firm marketing that use social media include blogging, creating and maintaining a blog, and submitting articles and videos to video sharing sites. SMM also allows you to develop and maintain relationships with other attorneys through the use of blogs, groups, and discussion boards.

Email Marketing (EM) -Emails are a valuable tool that can be used to not only reach new clients but to also build relationships with your current clients. Many attorneys find that sending out emails on a regular basis is one of the best ways to not only announce new services but also to keep current clients informed of any changes in your practice. One of the most successful types of email marketing campaigns is one that begins with an announcement of new services or a product and ends with a final offer to not only accept your service but to refer you to another attorney if they think your services will be helpful to them. This type of campaign has proven very successful and many lawyers find it to be one of the most effective types of law firm marketing.

Digital Marketing (DML) – Digital marketing is growing in popularity because it provides an inexpensive way to advertise your firm online. Most firms utilize DML by using social media marketing and email marketing to reach their existing clients. When using DML, firms must first contact all of their existing clients. Once you have determined which clients you wish to target with your advertising, you can begin to email them with offers related to your law firm and what you are able to do for them.

These three types of law firm marketing emails are just a few of the many that can be sent through a variety of methods. Some firms choose to send brief announcements through email while others may opt to utilize DML. Other types of online marketing include blogging, video blogging, podcasting, and posting on message boards. You can create your own blog, post videos or podcasts, or begin podcasting to reach a larger base of potential clients who may not have internet access.

steve rogers

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