How Does Lay on Hands 5e Work For Paladin in Dnd feats?

Lay on Hands 5e has been designed around the idea of healing and restoration. In D&D, Paladin is the class that focuses on defense as well as some healing. Paladin’s spell list does not include healing spells; therefore, a Paladin needs to have the ability to restore health. The idea behind Lay on Hands comes from the Paladin’s devotion to God, the church, and their willingness to help people in need. Paladin is also a very flexible class compared to other D&D levels, and this is why it is so popular.
Paladin is a perfect class because their healing and restoration capabilities make them excellent at healing others in combat and help them get back into fighting shape after being incapacitated. They can heal others with Lay on Hands and themselves with the help of specific spells. Lay on Hands will restore a Paladin’s hit points, armor, and energy to fully restore all of their actions. A Paladin can use Lay on Hands at any time, not just when they are low on hit points. If a Paladin casts this spell while they are in combat and their hit point total is lower than what they currently have, they will gain extra hit points until the spell duration ends. When the term ends, they will lose some hit points, but if they are still above their maximum allowed hit points, they can use Lay on Hands multiple times to boost their hit points.
There are several different ways Lay on hands 5e works for Paladin regarding spells and abilities:
A Paladin must adopt a Protection stance instead of buffs or debuffing Stance to gain the most benefits from the class. Protection Stance will buff and buffs the Paladin somehow but will cause them to be immune to specific attacks and inflict extra damage to their opponents.
Protection Stance is only used while in PvP. Therefore Paladins that wish to specialize in PvP also need to learn to work with a Protection Stance.
Protection Stance is an excellent choice for Paladins that love inflicting harm or want to excel in melee combat but cannot heal themselves and others.
Paladin’s healing surges are based on their charisma (stat). The higher the charm of the Paladin (by the way, a Paladin starts with a charisma rating of four), the more healing surges a Paladin can produce. Each hit point, or HP, a Paladin has is equal to half their charisma (rounded up). An ill-chosen charisma will cause the Paladin to deal more damage and potentially be inflicted with one or more harmful status effects. The only status effect that is not caused by charisma is death.
There are two different paths that a Paladin can take to enhance Lay on Hands:
The Paladin may train inlay on hands, inflict corrosion, or criticize. To use these abilities, a Paladin must have both an attack roll and a healing role.
If a Paladin has to make a kill shot, he only has to make a strength roll, not a dexterity roll.
The Paladin must then decide whether or not he wants to use his vengeance power, which allows him to cause accidental damage to opponents or admonish them to cause them to suffer a penalty.
Paladin’s damage output is directly tied to their Stance. The most effective Stance is the Battle Stance; at low levels, the Paladin can use the Cleave stance, while at higher levels, they can switch to Force Armor or Toughness. Furthermore, Force Armor or Toughness grants the Paladin shields, which reduces damage taken, and Stance becomes less valuable as the Paladin advances through level after level. It should be noted that both stances are extremely useful; if a Paladin is required to fight multiple opponents, then he would be better off using Force Armor or Toughness for each combat and then using his Lay on Hands for the final battle.
Paladin’s Lay on hands 5e works best when they have reached the rank of a warrior with Force Armor, Toughness, and a good rage bar. The Paladins have chosen to specialize in Revenge take on the Avenging Stance, which grants them superior defense and attack power. This ability also gives them the ability to deal massive amounts of damage to opponents, even after the Avenging Paladin has been disabled. Force Armor grants the Paladin a powerful means of protection against attacks. Finally, the Avenging Paladin’s rage ability allows him to deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time.
While a Paladin may learn how to use a weapon in each combat situation, he must know the appropriate fighting stance for each case. At the level he reaches, a Paladin gains the ability to convert Hit Points into magical power. This ability is called Channel Divinity and can only be used once per turn. This ability works best when a Paladin chooses to fight using only his fists since he can deal much more damage per hit than other characters at the same level.