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5e Spiritual Weapon

5e Spiritual Weapon

A 5e spiritual weapon is an Improved Martial Arts Weapon that strengthens your willpower. The weapon itself is a hill that has a handle. You use the handle as a form of grapple or throw to restrain your attacker while also using the weight and balance of the hilt to ward off blows. You also make a running back and forth charge at a range within the range of the attack and then cast the spell once again.

When casting this improved 5e spiritual weapon, you could make a standard melee attack on an enemy within 5 feet of your weapon with a +3 enhancement to resists damage. Once you’ve used your attack, you cast a second attack against the same target, making an even greater spiritual weapon attack. As a result, you gain a +5 enhancement to your willpower and take a -2 penalty to your defense roll. This type of spiritual weapon allows you to deal out more damage but penalizes you for less.

The spiritual 5e weapon is an Improved Martial Arts Weapon that requires two hands to wield. While you are holding the weapon in one hand, make an unarmed strike against the enemy which causes a spiritual 5e penalty to their defense roll. Once the penalty has been taken, you may cast a spell against the same enemy without using a hand. If you have both weapons at your disposal, you may attack multiple targets with a spiritual 5e penalty and an extra attack when you make an attack against the same target.

Casting spells while wielding this spiritual weapon allows you to cast both defensively and offensive spells against the same creature. When you reach high levels, you may cast a protection from afar spell as a spiritual weapon, which will prevent them from attacking you or your allies. At lower levels, you may only be able to cast a blink spell once per day. Both spells are temporary, so they will not protect you from enemy attacks indefinitely.

While flanking is essential to many combats, the spiritual weapon is unique in that it allows you to use a ranged attack as part of your flanking action. When you are within 5 feet of your target, cast a ranged attack against them. When this attack hits, you gain a spiritual weapon bonus against that creature. Each time you hit with this attack, the target must take a -4 penalty on their rolls for your flanking action.

This ability doesn’t just grant you a bonus action at the beginning of your turn; it also lets you make two additional attacks at any time during your turn. You may change the shape and size of the spiritual weapon as you choose, and it counts as a natural weapon for use in combat as well. A tiny knife, for instance, can be used as both a stealth attack weapon and a physical weapon on the turn it is created. Once formed, it can remain in that state throughout your turn, though it returns to its spiritual form if your attacks cause it to shift.

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Blinding the enemy is another important factor in creating a spiritual 5e weapon. When you are within 5 feet of your target, cast a fear attack against them. On each successful hit that you land with this attack, the target is dazzled for a number of rounds (these rounds where you do not move). The duration of this condition is equivalent to the number of rounds your spiritual weapon remains in spiritual form, so you don’t have to waste any additional actions to maintain the duration of the effect.

If your target is hit by an attack that you initiate with your weapon, make an opportunity to attack with a spell you have in your possession at the same time. This is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, and it only costs you a single point per attack. The duration of this attack is equal to the amount of time it would normally take to cast a different spell, so don’t cast two spells in a round and end up spending more time on it than you’d otherwise. This weapon is not a primary weapon and is therefore not affected by the range restrictions of primary weapons like bows or swords.

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