# Tags

The Beginner’s Guide to Web Design


Step 1: Learn HTML and CSS

If you don’t know HTML and CSS, you have two choices: either learn it or hire someone who can. I recommend learning it because that’s what will get you the most bang for your buck. If there is a little bit of a language barrier, don’t worry! It can be pretty intimidating at first, but with some help from tutorials online (for example), you should be able to learn how to code in no time. Here’s a tutorial on HTML and another one on CSS if this is going to be your first time learning either of those languages. Once you’re comfortable with coding in HTML and CSS, try making a website from scratch using only these languages! It may sound difficult, but when the hard work pays off, it will feel amazing.

Step 2: Find Some Free Stock Images Online Or Take Your Own Pictures

You might not want to spend any money on stock images just yet—I mean this is just practice right? Once again think about what kind of website would look good for your business/blog/whatever-you’re-making before downloading anything. You can make your site work harder for you by using the same images over and over again in different ways. For example, if you’re looking for a picture of a road, you can find one on Google Images and then edit it to make it look more like a street. You could also keep searching until you find exactly what you want. Finding stock images will help your website look more professional, but adding your own touch is always better!

Step 3: Find a Coding Editor That Works For You

This is entirely up to personal preference, but I personally recommend Brackets because I use it all the time for my coding projects in college. It makes coding really easy! If Brackets isn’t working out for you though, feel free to try out some other editors available online—there are plenty of choices. Make sure that whatever editor(s) you choose works with HTML and CSS though so that way your code looks pretty while still being easy to read and understand (even if someone else has to figure out what something means). An even easier way would be just to go on Google Drive or something similar and create an HTML file there. Then just use Notepad++ (a text editor) on Windows or TextEdit (an application on Mac) when opening up the file since those two programs work best with HTML files due to their simplicity.

Step 4: Start Making Your Website!

Now you can get to work on your website. I recommend starting with the homepage because it is the most important part of your website. If you’re making a personal blog, I suggest creating a layout that is clean and simple so it’s easy to navigate around in and read articles without getting lost. For businesses, try using a layout that resembles your business’s logo or use colors from your logo so people know what company you are without even reading about it. Here are some free templates for web design if you need any help getting started when designing the layout of your site. Once again though, this is just practice right? Don’t spend too much time stressing over this unless this will be an actual part of your job in the future.

Step 5: Make Some Content!

If you’re making a blog, this step is pretty easy. Just create some posts and write away! If you’re making an informational website though, this step can be kind of tricky. Make sure you make your content look good by using the right font sizes and colors—this will make it easier to read for others. For example, if your website is about how to lose weight, don’t use huge text that’s all red with a lot of space between each letter—that’s not going to help anyone. Instead use simple text that fits the page nicely while still being easily legible.

The Beginner’s Guide to Web Design

Personal Brand Is Not Just About You