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fire genasi names

Fire Genasi Names 5e – Making the Right Choice

If you’re a fan of D&D games, you can easily get great Genasi names from this site. The designers of Neverwinter know how much fun it can be to play with their game characters. They have spent years working on the design of races, classes, and other features that really make playing their game exciting. […]

Water Genasi

The Water Genasi Monastery

Vela, Water Genasi Monk, is considered by many to be the most powerful of all the Earthlings on Elsweyr. Born in Shaeroth, she was trained by elders who realised that her talent for meditation could actually be put to good use in the battle against dragons. When her homeland was invaded by the Storm Clan, […]

female fire genasi

Choosing a Beautiful Name for Your Female Fire Genasi

Are female fire gnomes in your future? If not, it’s high time you took that first step. Building an entire Gnome Fire Player Character can be a great way to show your female players just how much you appreciate them. In fact, a female player will probably love you for it. How’s that for a […]

storm genasi

World of Warcraft Druid Guide

The Storm Genasi is an indigenous Australian aboriginal group who live in the Alice Springs area. At first glance, it might not appear to be a traditional indigenous tribe, yet for many ordinary people living on the streets, especially those young folks the Storm Genasi are probably their greatest heroes! The Storm Genasi have been […]

air genasi monk

Great Martial Arts Classes

The Air Genasi is airway species found exclusively in the Warcraft games. They are the weakest air creature in the game, only being able to move faster than creatures that have full ability. These weak creatures only attack other air creatures and never other animals. For this reason, many players consider them a low priority […]

fire genasi

Facts on the Worldouched and the Fire Genasi

The graceful, elegant genasi are an interesting mix of cat, human and leopard. They have gorgeous looks, a long tail and wonderful almond shaped eyes. Their lustrous coat keeps warm on cold nights and is easy to groom. All are free spirits and independent, intelligent and very protective of those they consider dear. Genasi were […]

Lay on Hands 5e

How Does Lay on Hands 5e Work For Paladin in Dnd feats?

Lay on Hands 5e has been designed around the idea of healing and restoration. In D&D, Paladin is the class that focuses on defense as well as some healing. Paladin’s spell list does not include healing spells; therefore, a Paladin needs to have the ability to restore health. The idea behind Lay on Hands comes […]

Armor of Agathys

How Does Armor of Agathys Work With Tomb of Levistus?

In this third installment of the Baldur’s Gate D&D adventure, players are introduced to the fifth tier of the ancient evil alignment known as the Abyss. With the recent rise of Dondarrion for Umbertooth in the Pillars of the Earth storyline, fans of the original Baldur’s Gate games will undoubtedly be glad to know that […]

eldritch blast 5e

Eldritch Blast 5e for Warlock Leveling

Q: Is my eldritch blast 5e compatible with my D&D homebrew rules? I love working outside in the garden, but I am worried that my blast won’t be strong enough to damage my foes. Thanks! I just bought a few boosters for my fifth level characters and will roll them in with the homebrew next […]

Shatter 5e

Bard’s Guide to Shatter

At higher levels you can cast Shatter 5e as a major damage dealer on any boss. This is especially effective against high level bosses with many hit points. At higher levels you also gain access to shatter and 5e. The first thing you will notice is that the cast time of shatter 5e is much […]