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Spirit Guardians 5e

How to Tank Your Spirit Guardians in 5e

Spirit guardians are entities which protect and guard the user of the spirit world. A spirit guardian is a pure spirit form emanating from the spirit world. They are often called angels or archangels as they work closely with the archangel Michael. There are many different types of spirit guardians and they serve different purposes […]

The bless 5e PvP Build

Blessing of Bless 5e is a very powerful and versatile spell. It allows the caster to change the level of dice they roll from one to another. The dice may also be rolled up or rolled down. This is used when you are playing 5e D&D as it is the standard in D&D magic. There […]

Stench Shocking and Other Facts

For generations the lump is at the forefront of British royalty. Known as a magical, powerful bird, flumphs were often carried in the pockets of royals as a potent talisman or a symbol of power. Flumphs are a magical bird, representing the spirit world. They are known as the carrier of lore for many of […]

inflict 5e Wounds

How to inflict wounds 5e on Your Enemy in Warcraft!

Here are some tips for Dnd 5e inflict wounds. This is one of the more popular spells in the game, because it really adds a lot of pain onto the enemy. Inflict wounds 5e deals exactly that, but at a much higher level than other players. Use this spell right when you want to inflict […]

Scorching Ray 5e

The Scorching Ray 5e Guide

In my opinion, the best Scatter shot class is the scorching ray D&D 5e spec. With one goal in mind you are able to blast away at enemies from a distance. For every cast you must make a ranged attack and the target is going to take 2d4 fire damage on a successful hit. At […]


inflict Critical Hits 5e

The powerful inflict wounds magic spell is one that you cannot afford to miss. inflict wounds 5e is a very popular spell among players at all levels. It is extremely powerful, but you have to be careful. Use the right combos with inflict wounds 5e to get the job done. Here are some quick d&d […]


Fireball 5E Magic – How to Use Fireball 5E

The delayed Blast Fireball 5e is a powerful long-range attack spell. It is a part of the Fireball Wizard’s inventory. The Delayed Blast Fireball 5e spells finish instantly on a successful cast. It causes the ball to explode the fire into the air, literally, at the moment of the cast. And, if the delayed cast […]

Hex 5e

Seven Simple H Hex 5e to Learn in First Level Magic

Hex 5e is an exceptionally prevalent spell in the World of Dnd. Several online sites have been set up to help familiarize new players with the nuances of the various hexes (and advanced) that can be used for everyday purposes. Some sites offer comprehensive instructions in detail, while others provide simplified versions for elemental spells […]

Brown Bear 5e Pets Review

The 5e Brown Bear makes a great pet for any adventuring party. This animal is extremely powerful and should be considered for any adventuring force. For those players who are leveling up their adventuring parties, this creature makes a great option. The 5e brown bear is a fantastic pet for use in the World of […]

What is a yklwa 5e Pole Spear Used For?

A yklwa 5e is an air-powered short sword designed for close combat. It is shorter than a sabre but longer than a battle axe. A yklwa 5e (YIK-lwa) can be used as either a cutting instrument or a bladed weapon. In the Forgotten Realms, the yklwa is a unique weapon that can be wielded as […]