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Armor of Agathys 5E Guide

For readers who a long time ago and long since have been wanting more about the armor of agathys 5e, I’ve decided to write some post on it for you. This post will give you the inside scoop on the game. It’s not a full review of the game, but an analysis and some thoughts […]


Five Little Known Facts About the Giant Crocodile 5E

The Giant Crocodile is one of the most dangerous reptiles in the world. Not since the days of Pterodactyl has there been a true giant-sized reptile. It will make your blood run cold to think about the size of a gigantic reptile. However, these monsters are classified as land and not marine reptiles – they […]


Enjoy the Thrill of Play the Game of Goliath Wizard DND 5E

Goliath Wizard 5E is a new board game that will have you begging for more of the exciting game play. The game comes in a new version, the fifth edition of the classic game. This time around, you get to enjoy all the wonderful components of the original game, only improved upon. There are five […]


A Fantasy Role-Playing Game, Fun to Play Cloud Of Daggers 5e

The fifth edition of DND is called Cloud Of Daggers 5e. It’s a standalone dagger game in the popular fantasy genre. It follows the story of a merchant named Thief. His kingdom is at constant war with their neighbors, the ruled of whom are aided by a mysterious wizard. To make matters worse, his arch […]


A Great Way to Relax and Relieve Stress!

Lay on Hands is a series of self-healing and healing classes developed and refined by Dr. Marie Pasinski. She has been practicing the art of healing with her hands since she was a student of Charles Fillmore. The concept of laying on hands stems from the spiritual belief that the body can be an astral […]

Primal Savagery

Warlock Class in World of Warcraft

The fifth edition of the game D&D has introduced several new options for war caster characters. For war casters, the caster levels have been increased from six to eight. This effectively means that war caster levels are now tied directly to how powerful they become in combat. There is a new war caster feat that […]


Product spotlight – The United States Army in Vietnam

This Product Spotlight looks at the tabletop wargame, Hero Forge. The game has been out of print for some time, but it has just recently been brought back from the grave and is available as a tabletop war game download. In the Product Spotlight, I review the game and what you should expect when you […]


A New Player’s Guide to D&D Wrathful Smite Dnd 5E

If you are a fan of the Divine Comedy online game by Team Volition, then you should really get the new Wrathful Smite of D&D fifth edition of D&D. The new edition of D&D is a major update of the first and older versions of the board game. The new rage is more tactical than […]

Hypnotic Pattern 5E

Hypnotic Pattern 5E – The confusion and illusion spell

To understand the power of a hypnotic pattern, you need to understand the power of the subconscious mind. A hypnotic pattern 5e can be defined as one in which you use a repetitive movement, tone, or gesture to induce a state of trance. The trance can then be used to perform a specific task.The hypnotic […]

arcane focus 5e

What Does an arcane focus 5e Do?

What does an arcane focus do? An arcane focus is a specially crafted item intended to channel the raw energy of sorcerous spells. A Sorcerer, Witch, or Wizard can employ such an item as a Spellcasting Focus, utilizing it in some non-magical material component that doesn’t list a price. This can be a beneficial way […]