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shield master 5e

Shield Master 5e Feat Vs Resilient for Dex Save Vs Donation

Two of the more popular D&D PC games have come out this year, and both of them use dice mechanics for combat. Which one do you want to get for you? Here’s my comparison between Shield Master 5e and Resilient for Dex save. Take a look… Both games start off with the same sort of […]

dnd character

Aion Moonblade 5E D&D Spell and expected Damage With N Runes

One of the more popular forms of WOW DPS is the Moonblade. Moonblade spells allow a character to deal incredible damage with little to no reaction time from their target. The question of how much damage the Moonblade can deal with N runes or not is one that many players want to find an answer […]

Kung Fu Tea

A Few Tips for the Investment Made in the Kung Fu Tea Business

Kung Fu Tea is enjoying immense popularity in the health and fitness community, not only in China but also worldwide. There are several reasons behind this growth. One is its beneficial effects on one’s health. People want to stay fit and healthy so they go for a Kung Fu Tea workout session. The second reason […]

DnD Verdan

This Story Behind Dnd Verdan 5e

This Story Behind Dnd Verdan will definitely haunt you forever! This is a collection of five fairy tales written by Margret Wise Brown. She says her intent was to write something “dignified and dignified.” And that’s exactly what you get with This Story Behind Dnd Verdan. Each story in this collection was inspired by a […]

dnd weapon

5E Primal Savagery Vs. Shillelagh

It is a simple comparison, and Primal Savagery 5e vs. Shillelagh are the ultimate. The basic premise of this article is simple but effective. If you’re a D&D player, you need to know whether or not your party has access to one of these. If you’re not familiar with them, they are two of the […]

5e dnd

How does Lay on hands 5e work for Paladin in dnd feats?

Paladin’s stance is one of the most important things to master. In actuality, it’s one of the least important things to master, but it is a crucial stance to understand. Understanding your perspective is vital to playing a well-rounded Paladin in the World of Warcraft. This is why many Paladins choose to specialize in a […]

Necrotic Damage 5e

Does Necrotic Damage 5e Have Immunity For the Undead in Dnd?

“Does Necrotic Damage 5e have immunity for the undead?” This is a common question among players of the undead game. One of the biggest questions in the Undead community is whether or not Necrotic Damage can be prevented or even prevented once a player has begun to receive it as a debuff.The short answer is […]

Frank Kameny

Who is Frank Kameny?

Who is Frank Kameny? Google’s latest Doodle honors astronomy lover and gay rights activist Frank Kameny. The late Frank Kameny was an important figure in both the fight for gay rights and also in the fight against cancer. In fact, he was instrumental in getting the Gaylord AIDS Memorial Center built. In an article on […]


How To Get The Best 13 Fortnite Skins

If you are looking for the best deals on the best Fortnite skins, this will end up being quite tricky. I have researched skins and all the various companies that manufacture them, so I have a pretty good idea of what they are like. Below I will explain all of this to you in simple […]

Chromecast With Google TV

Chromecast With Google TV – What You Need to Know

Enjoy high definition video from your favorite mobile apps and digital devices with the fantastic new snow-white Google Chromecast with Google TV coming soon. It connects directly to your HDTV screen and plugs easily into your Wi-Fi wireless network to give access to a wide range of media through the onboard Android TV operating system. […]