Choosing a Pulse Name

A Pulse name is an easy and fun way to give your newborn a new identity. It’s very simple to do, and it can be applied while still in the womb. Many parents-to-be find themselves stuck for ideas during pregnancy, and are forced to make choices about their baby’s name. While all of this can be a bit stressful, there is a way to keep the chaos at bay and really get down to work designing a fantastic new name for your bundle of joy. With a little know-how and a lot of creativity, you can easily create the perfect new name for your bundle of joy without much ado.
What exactly is a Pulses name? According to Merriam Webster, it is “a name that reveals the distinctive sound of the breath from the nostrils, whether the wind blows from the front or the back of the mouth.” The name was created by an Australian doctor named John James Hardgood in 1847. He was examining children with delayed breathing, and observed that these infants had a distinct “honking” or “loud” sound in their mouth when their airway was opened. This wind sound was picked up on each time the child breathed, giving his doctors the first idea of what we know today as a Pulse name. The name has stuck ever since.
When choosing your child’s name, it’s important to pick a memorable, unique name that will stick in your child’s mind long after they’re old enough to choose their own names. That means choosing a name that rhymes, sounds like your child, or is simply unique and creative. You don’t want to take the name of your child from their parent or another source, but you do need to let them have some input into it. Give them as much input as you feel comfortable with, and don’t be afraid to be stubborn if it doesn’t work with them. Just remember that these names are a way for you to set the stage for your child’s childhood.
Take your time when choosing your child’s name. Choose a name that appeals to you and makes you laugh when you see it. There are some common name suggestions that really don’t do anything for you at all, so choose wisely. Also, take into consideration the tone of voice that you would like your baby to have. Fun, light, or fast?
There are a lot of ways to find out if a particular name is a good fit for your child. One is to ask your friends who are already parents. Another is to check out websites that are dedicated to naming children. And finally, try asking around to family and friends who may have a child of the same age as yours. Chances are that they will know of at least one person who has a child that goes by that name.
Once you’ve settled on a name, there are a few things you need to do before introducing your baby to the world. Make sure that everyone knows your baby’s name, including those who aren’t family. It would be very difficult to explain to a stranger the meaning of a completely new and unfamiliar name. Have someone clip a note on the baby, explaining what their name means and where it came from.
While you’re introducing your child to the world, it is also a good idea to get to know any of your neighbors who may live down the street or in the next apartment over. Ask them who their children are. You never know who may have a child just like your own. You never know how far your neighbors will go.
A child needs to know who they are, and what their name means. Don’t let anyone talk you into a name that you aren’t 100% sure of. If it is something that fits with your child’s future, then go for it. Otherwise, you’ll never know if it’s the right choice. It can be difficult to make the right choice sometimes, but if you stick with your instincts, it can be done.