Half Drow Fantasy Characters

The half drow is a non-player character race featured prominently in D&D and other similar media. Commonly referred to as an “elf” or “half-druid”, they are typically half-human in appearance, although they can appear quite different depending on the setting. Half drow is an uncommon race for players to choose as a character, primarily due to their limited mobility, specialized features, and spell-like capabilities. However, if you’re looking to play a half drow in your own campaign, here’s what to expect.

Unlike other half-or half orc and half-gnome-race characters, a half drow is not proficient in any skills pertaining to armor or weapon usage. Because of this, half drow often have difficulty making armor proficiency checks. Additionally, half drow normally gain no benefits from wearing medium or heavy armor. While this isn’t a big drawback in itself, being unable to use heavy armor on a half drow isn’t much of a motivator to stick with the class, as armor represents the character’s ability to survive and perform in dangerous situations. This doesn’t mean half drow can’t wear medium armor, just that their ability to do so is severely limited.
Unlike most half drow characters, half drow start out with very little starting gold, starting at just a meager 5 or per Hit Die. Fortunately, half drow begins with both a wisdom score and a charisma score; while poor on either, these scores will improve as the character progresses through adventures and reaches the appropriate levels. At first, half drow don’t possess any special bonuses or skills; their only real perk comes from choosing to be a half drow instead of a full-human. While this isn’t a big drawback in and of itself, it can limit how far a half drow can go in adventuring and make it harder to make full use of the powers inherent in their race.
A half-drow who has chosen to become a half-drow due to level adjustment will find that her skills and abilities are roughly equivalent to those of a fighter of similar level (though not necessarily equal). This is primarily due to the shared skill type traits that all half-drow classes share, which allows half-drow to automatically use a favored class skill once they reach a certain level (although this only really works once; for example, if a half-drow rolls a 1st level magic trick, she must learn the art form before she can use it in order to use it). Other than that shared trait, half-drow have few advantages over other humanoids in their chosen class, and can even be considered more inferior than humans in many ways.
half-drow 5e can choose one specialized weapon in place of two, though this weapon proficiency is based on the type of weapon they are proficient with. The most common weapon used by half drow 5e is the hand crossbow, a weapon that deals piercing damage with a reach that cannot be exceeded. Other weapons such as the whip and the dagger are also popular, although the dagger deals less damage but is slightly quicker, and may be used to strike multiple opponents at a time. Half-drow may also favor one handed or two handed weapons, depending on personal taste and the situation. One of the more powerful moves a half-drow can learn is the short sword and may even be able to use one as a weapon when necessary.
Unlike a fighter or a rogue, half-drow 5e receive no fighter bonus armor or shield proficiency. Furthermore, half drow 5e are unable to wear medium armor, or any sort of armor or shield designed for humanoids. Armor bonuses will not apply to them, nor will shields, although some abilities will allow them to negate some of these effects (e.g. counterspell) that would normally apply to an armored character. Although half drow 5e are not known for specializing in melee combat, many can still take down opponents armed only with their hands.
half drow 5e are sometimes able to activate and use their speed increased racial bonus twice per day, which allows them to become nearly as fast as a half elf drow. This allows them to run away and Dodge attacks, although they are still subject to all other conditions associated with elves. half elf drow cannot use their stealth feature or flurry as frequently and may have a harder time with concealment. While half elf drow have some advantages over humans in terms of skills and attributes, they lack in a number of areas.
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Despite this disadvantage, half elf drow still has a number of special features that allow them to make up for their lack of skill in some areas, such as weapon mastery and stealth. As an individual who relies largely on physical combat, half-drow can benefit greatly from training with a weapon master. Half-drow also have access to several different races, allowing them to mix and match certain aspects of a race while keeping the benefits of their current class. Whether or not you consider yourself to be a skilled fighter or rely more on magical or Stealth techniques, half-drow characters make for an interesting and unique character.