Stress Management Basics

Stress management is the process of controlling stress, which is a natural part of life. Stress is our bodies’ response to situations that are perceived as threatening. This perception occurs in our brains, and this process has evolved to help us survive. Let’s say you were walking through the jungle one day and saw a lion chasing after you; your body would release stress hormones like cortisol to give you an extra boost of energy so that you can run faster than normal (or at least try). This extra energy helps us fight, flee, or freeze in place depending on the situation. This same mechanism occurs when we are about to take an important exam or have a stressful meeting at work. Everything from running away from lions in the jungle to doing well on tests causes stress responses in our bodies that aid us with survival. I have more ideas on how to manage stress on a recent blog post I wrote.
Facts About Stress
Now that you know what stress is, let’s talk about some facts about stress. I love these facts because they are simple, easy to remember, and interesting. Here are four reasons why you should learn more about stress: The first fact about stress is that 70% of all doctor visits are for conditions caused or worsened by chronic stress. The second fact that I learned is that there are two main types of coping strategies for dealing with stressful situations: problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. The third fact I want to share is the difference between acute and chronic stress; acute means brief or time limited whereas chronic means long term or constant over a period of time so it can be hard to discern the difference between them sometimes based on their names alone. The fourth fact I want to share is that two different hormones are released during acute and chronic stress. Acute stress causes the release of adrenaline, which is a hormone that prepares us for fight or flight, whereas chronic stress causes the release of cortisol, which is a hormone that helps our bodies adapt to new demands. After you read these facts about stress, you’ll probably have an increased interest in learning more about this topic.
How To Manage Stress
Now let’s talk about how to manage stress. In order to manage your own personal level of stress, you need to first learn as much as possible about it because knowledge really does empower us as humans! One way I learned a lot more about managing my own level of personal stress was by reading Dr. Judith Orloff’s book called “Emotional Freedom” on the subject; she has excellent tips on how we can deal with our emotions in ways that will help us reduce anxiety and ultimately increase happiness in life (these are her words). After reading her book I felt like I knew much more than before and was able to take control over my life instead of waiting for life to happen; this was exactly what took me out of my comfort zone at the time because nothing ever changed for me without taking matters into my own hands first (I think many people feel like this). Now here are some ideas on how we can better manage our own levels of personal stress:
The first tip Dr. Judith Orloff shared with me is to keep a journal of what is bothering you. Sometimes we have trouble articulating all of our feelings, but writing them down can help us identify patterns that we didn’t notice before. This is a great way to practice noticing the things that stress us out so we can work on changing some of these things if needed. The second tip she shared with me was to visualize the worst possible outcome in every situation and imagine yourself dealing with it without any stress or anxiety at all; this will help you get used to making decisions more quickly because you will stop thinking about what might happen and just know that something bad could happen but also know that if it does, then at least you won’t be stressed out about it! You will already be prepared for it. I have stress management techniques that I’ve learned over the years, but this is one of my favorites!
The third tip Dr. Judith Orloff shared with me was to do things every day that you find fun and relaxing, even if they seem silly or too simple. She said it’s easy to get so caught up in our daily routines that we forget how much joy there is in the small things in life. You might think this doesn’t help with stress management, but I have found it does because when I’m having fun and enjoying my time, then I don’t focus on anything else bothering me! It can be something as simple as playing a new video game or reading a book for fun; make sure you are doing something every day that makes you happy. This has helped me tremendously with managing my own personal level of stress because it allows me to take breaks from stressful situations without feeling bad about myself for doing so (because hey.
I hope you found this informative and helpful. If you did, then consider sharing it with your friends via social media. We all need to learn more about stress because it is truly a part of life; the goal is to learn more about managing our own personal levels of stress so that we can try to reduce them!